
そして、2023年秋。スモーキーな淡い青色の「ケイトジョーオニオンスキン ペールブルー」がTAKEO PAPER PRODUCTSのオリジナル用紙として誕生しました。

Dressco’s onion skin paper is quite thin, translucent, and has a crumpled texture that resembles actual onion skins. The unique texture of the paper works with all pens and provides a premium writing experience.

Onionskin paper was once widely used for handwriting and with typewriters to provide a lighter weight and more affordable alternative when sending air mail.

In the modern era, airmail became less important and onion skin paper became relatively obscure. All manufacturing of onion skin paper in Japan was discontinued in 2010.

To respond to the desires of fountain pens users, Takeo closely collaborated with a leading paper manufacturer to develop our original “KateJo” onion skin paper in 2020.

In the fall of 2023, our smoky light blue onion skin paper, “KateJo onion skin pale blue” was released as an original paper of TAKEO PAPER PRODUCTS.